Teneshia Hudspeth


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Searching by file number provides the fastest search results. For some databases where documents can be filed at an annex, the annex code is required to retrieve information.

Annex Codes: Some document types can be filed at an annex location. To locate these documents when searching by file number it is necessary to know the code for the annex where the document was filed. Documents filed in the main office do not have an annex code. The following is a list of annex codes:

  • Blank - Downtown
  • B - Chimney Rock
  • C - Clear Lake
  • H - Humble
  • P - Pasadena
  • R - Clay Road
  • S - Cullen Street
  • T - North Shepherd
  • U - Baytown
  • V - Cypresswood
  • W - Scarsdale

To search by File number and annex code, enter the annex code (if required) followed by the File Number (No spaces).

Examples: R123456 for a document filed at the Clay Road annex, or 123456 for a document filed at the main office.

Note: Databases which do not require annex codes include: Miscellaneous Personal Records, Real Property and Uniform Commercial Code.

The case number consists of 6 to 9 digits. A partial case number may be entered. Please enter at least four digits.

Examples: 123456 or 123456789

Name searches can be done by grantor or grantee, business name or owner name, attorney, Party Type etc.

Names must be entered Last Name First, then First Name.

Do Not Enter Punctuation Marks (Periods, Commas, Etc.).

The system allows partial name searches. At least three characters must be entered for a partial name search.

If the system does not respond, try entering either more or less name information.

Note: Grantor includes Grantor, Mortgagor, Assignor, Plaintiff, Debtor, Lien Holder, General Partner, Landlord, Tax Payer, Seller and Grantee includes Grantee, Mortgagee, Assignee, Defendant, Creditor, Limited Partner, Tenant, Tax Agency and Buyer.

Name searches can be done by grantor or grantee, business name or owner name, attorney, Party Type, etc.

Names must be entered Last Name First, then First Name.

Do Not Enter Punctuation Marks (Periods, Commas, Etc.).

The system allows partial name searches. At least three characters must be entered for a partial name search.

If the system does not respond, try entering either more or less name information.

The name search also provides the capability of delimiting the name search to a selected year, month, or day. These parameters are for the name and date search only.

1. Name: Smith John and Date: 1998 returns all documents filed by John Smith for the year 1998.
2. Name: Smith John and Date: 199810 returns all documents filed by John Smith on October of 1998.
3. Name: Smith John and Date: 19981001 returns all documents filed by John Smith on October 1, 1998.

Note: Date must be a county working day. No weekends or holidays allowed. Alert messages will be returned for invalid dates, non-business dates, and incomplete dates.

Note: Grantor includes Grantor, Mortgagor, Assignor, Plaintiff, Debtor, Lien Holder, General Partner, Landlord, Tax Payer, Seller. and Grantee includes Grantee, Mortgagee, Assignee, Defendant, Creditor, Limited Partner, Tenant, Tax Agency, Buyer.

This search is used for Real Property, Probate, Civil, and Court Settings.

Name searches can be done by grantor or grantee, business name or owner name, attorney, Party Type, etc.

Names must be entered Last Name First, then First Name.

Do Not Enter Punctuation Marks (Periods, Commas, Etc.).

The system allows partial name searches. At least three characters must be entered for a partial name search.

If the system does not respond, try entering either more or less name information.

A date range search will return all documents filed on the date range entered for the person specified. All date elements must be entered. Please provide two digits for the month, two digits for the day, and four digits for the year. Both the "from" and "to" date parts must be entered.

The date format is: MM/DD/YYYY.

Name: Smith John Date Range: From: 04/15/1999 To: 04/17/1999

Note: Date must be a county working day. No weekends or holidays allowed. Alert messages will be returned for invalid dates, non-business dates, and incomplete dates.

A date search will return all documents filed on the date entered. All date elements must be entered. Four digits for the year, two digits for the month, and two digits for the day are required.

The date format is: YYYYMMDD.

Example: 19990415 for April 15, 1999.

Note: Date must be a county working day. No weekends or holidays allowed. Alert messages will be returned for invalid dates, non-business dates, and incomplete dates.

This search is used for Real Property, Probate, Civil, and Court Settings and Uniform Commercial Codes. A date range search will return all documents filed on the date range entered. All date elements must be entered. Please provide two digits for the month, two digits for the day, and four digits for the year. Both the "from" and "to" date parts must be entered. The Maximum amount of time for a date only search is one year.

The date format is: MM/DD/YYYY.

From: 04/15/1999 To: 04/17/1999

Note: Date must be a county working day. No weekends or holidays allowed. Alert messages will be returned for invalid dates, non-business dates, and incomplete dates.

A search may be done by Volume and Page. The Volume and Page number consists of 6 digits. The Volume and Page search is used for Maps and Condos only.

Example: 123456 may be entered for Volume and Page.

A search may be done by Film Code Number. A partial search is allowed with a minimum of 7 characters if the film code starts with a non-numeric value and 5 characters if it is all numeric. The Film Code search is used for Real Property only.

Examples of Valid Searches: 12345, ER12345 or RP12345 for Film Code.